How to Feel Sexy AF

At Any Age

If you’re not part of the .000001 part of the population who was born sexy, don’t worry because you and I are about to make you feel sexy AF 😉 - regardless of your age.

That's right. You don’t have to be born sexy. You can cultivate the feeling of sexiness and radiate like a god or goddess at any age, exuding confidence and allure in any space you enter.

What's In This Vibe

The Science Behind Feeling Sexy

When you feel sexy, your body undergoes a fascinating transformation at the hormonal level. Confidence and feeling attractive trigger the release of a cocktail of hormones, including oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, which enhance your mood and self-assurance. These hormones not only make you feel good internally but also impact your external demeanor, making changes in your posture, smile, and the sparkle in your eyes more evident.

Research has shown that body language plays a crucial role in how others perceive you. For instance, studies indicate that adopting open and expansive postures—often referred to as "power poses"—can significantly boost your feelings of power and confidence. These power poses increase levels of testosterone (associated with dominance) and decrease levels of cortisol (associated with stress), leading to a more confident and less anxious state of being​ (Psychology Today)​​ (Psychological Science)​.

Furthermore, these hormonal shifts and changes in body language contribute to a positive feedback loop. As you exude confidence and openness, others are naturally drawn to you, perceiving you as more attractive and approachable. This dynamic not only enhances romantic desirability but also boosts your overall social interactions, making you more magnetic and influential in various aspects of life​ (Psychology Today)​​ (Psychological Science)​.

My Secret to Sexy

Sexy might mean something different to you than it does to me, but we can all agree on one thing: boring is never sexy. To be truly alluring, you need to cultivate an irresistible vibe that leaves people intrigued and wanting more. How? Free your soul—because nothing is as sexy as your authentic, organic being.

To free your soul, you must quiet your ego—the part of you that creates false perceptions and illusions that jade your concept of self. When you allow your soul to emerge into the physical experience, you radiate a natural magnetism that captivates those around you.

Cultivating this irresistible vibe involves a blend of self-awareness, confidence, and a commitment to your soul’s evolutionary path. It’s about understanding your innate power to create and direct your life experience in any way you choose. When you live from your soul, you exude a confidence that is deeply attractive and inspiring.

What’s Not Sexy

What’s not sexy is self-deception, which involves misleading yourself with a false self-perception. If you have a distorted view of yourself (as many people do), you might fail to recognize your own magnetic allure.

Wounded beliefs, cognitive biases, distortions (all created by the ego), and societal pressures can warp your perception of yourself. And I can almost guarantee you don’t appear to others like you do to yourself. There is something inherently sexy about you that sets you apart from everyone else - you just have to find it.

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5 Steps To Feeling Sexy

Remember - you are the creator of your life experience. And if you want to feel sexy - you can create the feeling. In fact - you can create any experience you want simply by conjuring the feeling of having or being it. So, here are five steps to help you feel sexy AF at any age:

Step One: Heal Your Wounded Beliefs

Addressing and healing your wounded beliefs is crucial because they shape how you view yourself. If you don’t feel love-able, worthy, deserving, powerful, or enough as you measure yourself against the rest of the world - you’ll never feel sexy. Wounded beliefs act as internal barriers that can distort your self-image and hinder your ability to embrace your true allure. By focusing on healing, you lay the groundwork for a more confident and sexy you.

Step Two: Get Comfortable in Your Skin

Embrace your body’s physical experience. You often hear that you are not your body, but you are! Your physical body is a sacred vehicle that carries your soul through your life experience, and it is like none other.

It’s difficult to feel sexy unless you appreciate your physical self. Tune into your body’s sensations and pay attention to how your body feels and moves. Is it tight? Stuck? Are you slumped over or standing tall and proud with the beautiful structure God gave you to experience your life?

Often, the best way to get comfortable in your skin is to do something creative like dance, sing, bake, paint, or work some wood (as in woodworking! no pun intended 🤭). Creativity ignites the sacral charka, which is home to your sexuality. The more the sacral chakra comes alive, the more you will feel the physical experience and how sexy you really are.

Step Three: Find Your Tribe

Engage with communities that align with your interests and values. When you immerse yourself in groups that share your passions, you receive affirmation and encouragement, which helps your soul to emerge. Connecting with like-minded individuals uplifts and inspires you, fostering an environment where you can be authentic and creative.

As you nurture these connections, you not only reinforce your confidence but also amplify your unique vibrational energy. This collective synergy magnifies your allure. Surrounding yourself with supportive and resonant communities empowers you to shine your brightest internally and externally.

Build Your Aura 

Cultivate a glowing aura that magnetically draws others to you. Your aura is a bio-electromagnetic field surrounding your body, reflecting your inner state and emotional energy. When this field is expansive and vibrant, it radiates confidence and sensuality, transforming you into a captivating presence.

5. Advanced Self-Care 

Traditional self-care routines like facials, yoga, and weight training are wonderful, but those activities tend to nurture the ego. Beyond these practices, consider diving deeper to free your soul from the confines of the ego.

Your soul only has one intention: to create experiences that propel it along its evolutionary path. Engage in practices that connect you with your soul’s essence, allowing you to live more authentically through your soul rather than your ego. Nothing is more alluring and empowering than letting your soul fully emerge into your physical experience to show the world who you really are.

Wrap Up…

Feeling sexy is an art that transcends age, appearance, and societal standards. It’s about cultivating a magnetic presence and embracing your unique allure. You can transform your self-perception and radiate confidence by addressing and healing your wounded beliefs, biases, and distortions. Getting comfortable in your skin, connecting with like-minded individuals, building a powerful aura, and engaging in advanced self-care will help tremendously.

Remember, sexiness isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about embodying an irresistible, authentic vibe that reflects your true self. Embrace these steps and watch yourself move from feeling unsexy or sorta sexy to confidently sexy AF. You can redefine what sexiness means to you and project that magnetic energy into every space you inhabit. Own your allure, and let your inner goddess or god shine brightly at any age.


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